UCB Word For You


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Be a giver

09 June 2022
‘God loves a cheerful giver.’

The film Schindler’s List tells the story of one man’s efforts to rescue who he could out of a desperate situation. Oskar Schindler was the director of a munitions factory in Poland during the Holocaust, and he decided to use his position to save Jewish lives. By employing them in his factory, Schindler rescued many condemned Jews from the gas chambers. But it was expensive to keep them employed, and little by little he sold his personal property to keep his factory going. At the end of the story, the Nazis are defeated, and the full impact of Schindler’s efforts is revealed as the dead are counted and the living make it back to freedom.

In one scene of the film, as Schindler is kneeling by the railway tracks that had carried thousands to their deaths, he had a startling realisation. He could have saved a few more! If only he hadn’t kept hold of the few things he still owned. If only he had known when the war would end, he would have done more. Oskar Schindler is credited with saving more Jews during World War II than any other single person. He was a hero. But all he could think about was what he didn’t do. He wished he had done more.

A powerful lesson in Schindler’s story is this: even generous and joyful givers will look back on their lives and wish they had done more. There are also others who gave less than they could have given, or who never gave at all. We all have different levels of what we can afford to give, whether that’s time, money, or some other resource, but let’s not waste an opportunity to give when God prompts us, and give with joy. ‘God loves a cheerful giver.’


What Now?

As you go about your day, try to be extra-aware of times when God nudges you to give or share something (money, time, food, knowledge and so on), and then act on His nudge.

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The UCB Word For You

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