UCB Prayerline : Praying with you, praying for you
Do you need someone to pray with you?


You can submit your prayer request by filling in the form below at any time of the day or night. Our team can't reply, but they will pray.

Submit your prayer request

To help us comply with the Data Protection Regulations and in order that anyone you mention cannot be identified, please refer to people by their first name only, and omit any and all other information about them such as surname, contact details, geographic location, job role etc. Your prayer request will be anonymised and sent to one of our e-mail team. 

Thank you.

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UCB Prayerline is staffed by wonderful volunteers all across the UK to answer phone calls.

You can contact the UCB Prayerline by phone during opening hours, when our team of trained and dedicated volunteers are there to pray with you.

Prayerline opening times

Mon - Fri - 09:00 - 22:00*
Sat - 10:00 - 14:00*
Closed Sundays and Bank Holidays

*Due to high demand and length of calls, callers may be redirected to voicemail 15 minutes before the scheduled end of service.

Over Christmas and the New Year, Prayerline will be operating on the revised opening times below.

      Date         Times
      24/12/2024         Open 9am-3pm Christmas Eve
      25/12/2024         Closed Christmas Day
      26/12/2024         Closed Boxing Day
      27/12/2024         Open 11am-3pm
      28/12/2024         Open 11am-3pm
      29/12/2024         Closed
      30/12/2024         Open 11am-3pm
      31/12/2024         Open 11am-3pm New Year's Eve
      01/01/2025         Closed New Year's Day
      02/01/2025         Resumes full hours 9am-10pm

Call our Prayerline on

01782 36 3000

If calling from the Republic of Ireland dial:

01 4299 930**

**Standard call charges apply, calls from mobiles may cost you more. Check with your supplier for details.

Prayerline is experiencing an unprecedented high level of calls, and we would love to pray for you. However, if you are not able to get through or you're ringing outside of normal opening hours, please leave a message on our voicemail system or send us a prayer request on the web form above. If you leave a voice message or complete the web form, we're not able to reply but please be assured that one of the team will be praying for your requests.

Make a difference in someone’s life

Do you want to make a difference in someone's life? Are you passionate about the power of prayer? Join our team of amazing Prayerline volunteers!

We can only accept applications from applicants who live in the UK.

We welcome applications for Prayerline phone volunteers but are not currently recruiting for volunteers for our email or postal prayer service.