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More about how you can support UCB

Why regular donations?

A regular income is essential. It means…

We can plan ahead

We can cover essential ongoing costs.

Broadcasting our two UK-wide digital Radio stations UCB1 and UCB2.

Sharing the UCB Word For Today through radio, print and online.

Producing and maintaining our UCB TV player app.

We can deliver life-changing content.

For UCB TV: filming amazing documentaries and testimonies, new shows and films like Cross Purposes, Facing the Canon, Jovis.

For UCB Radio: recording special programmes like our live broadcast from the Hillsong Summer Conference

We can broadcast live from some of the biggest Christian events in the UK, like Big Church Day Out, One Event, Hillsong Colour conference and Mission Worship.

We can impact lives like Henry’s.

If you already give regularly and would like to increase your gift, please call our Supporter Care team on 01782 911000. Thank you.

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‘Fourteen years ago someone gave me the UCB Word For Today, which helped with my faith…in lots of ways. The last five years have been very hard for me after losing my son, who hanged himself; then the following year my mum passed away, and the year after, my ex-wife was killed. Some of my friends asked me what is keeping me going. My answer was and is my faith. I pray and thank God for helping me and I thank God for the UCB Word For Today.’

Henry. A reader of UCB's Word For Today.