March 19th 2020
We’re certainly living in unusual times. All over the world, many people face health, financial and personal problems – now the global spread of the coronavirus is another massive issue that people are facing. However, whatever you are experiencing, we want to let you know that UCB is here for you. We value our relationship with you and we want to stand with you, our listeners, readers and supporters, as together we journey through the next few weeks and months.
UCB’s Action Plan
1. Firstly, we stand on the Word of God!
The Word says, ‘Do not fear, for I am with you. Do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will give you strength, and for sure I will help you. Yes, I will hold you up with My right hand that is right and good’ (Isaiah 41:10 NLV). The Word of God is the firm foundation we are standing on today.
2. Supporting the nation with UCB 1 and UCB 2
When God birthed UCB's ministry, many years ago, the vision was that UCB Radio and resources would be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and be there right at the time when people needed it most. UCB is called to support our wonderful listeners, viewers and readers by bringing positive, faith-filled content to all in the UK, and this will continue. UCB wants to be that 'friend in the room' to everyone who tunes in or who accesses our online resources. So you can be assured that during any periods of isolation or of people being confined to their homes, UCB will be there. In times of fear and uncertainty, ‘the message of hope’ will continue to be heard from UCB 1 and UCB 2 radio every minute of every day, and will be available to be read from the UCB Word For Today and across all our online platforms. We will be there for you.
3. More digital resources
During these challenging times, we will continue to provide inspiring and edifying resources across our digital platforms, on the website, through emails, and social media. Our prayer is that during the uncertainty, you will be able to connect, or reconnect, with the true message of HOPE. We also want to offer you an opportunity to ‘do church’ from home, should you be unable to connect with your local church, every Sunday through UCB Facebook. If you don’t yet follow us on social media, search @ucbmedia on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, to keep in touch with all we are doing. We have just launched a new campaign too, called ‘Get into God’s Word’, which is designed to help you get into the daily habit of absorbing God’s Word, whether that’s by reading it or listening to and watching great programmes, podcasts and more.
4. Prayerline
Prayer is central to everything we do, and has been right from the very beginning of UCB’s ministry. Our dedicated team of prayer warriors continually support our listeners, viewers and readers in praying for and with anyone in need. We are also looking for new ways to develop this vital area of the ministry, to ensure we can pray with as many people as possible.
5. ‘Business as usual’ while offering flexible work arrangements for our office staff. Our amazing office and support staff and volunteers have now been mobilised to work from home. Some will continue to work from our buildings, but should home-working be a necessity, we are set up and able to do this.
- While you won't be able to visit us in person, rest assured that it is 'business as usual', with all our office and support teams available to help you via email, phone and online.
- All functions such as accounts payable/receivable, sponsorship, marketing, and fundraising will continue as normal. In other words, we are here to serve you!
Finally, thank you to our supporters, partners and volunteers! Without your help and support, both past and present, UCB would simply not be able to respond at this level. It is because of your support that we are able to continue sharing God’s life-changing Word on air, through print and through digital resources.
On behalf of the entire team, thank you for your contribution, which allows UCB to bring light in a very dark world. Lives have been impacted already during this crisis, and we know many more will rely upon our radio stations (UCB 1 and UCB 2) in the challenging days ahead.
On behalf of lives changed in the UK and beyond, thank you!
We walk united, and pray for a speedy end to this time of uncertainty.
David L’Herroux
UCB’s Chief Executive
March 13th 2020
On March 12th, 2020, UCB discovered that a visitor to our Broadcast Centre had tested positive for the Coronavirus. We have followed advice from Public Health England and this means there will be a number of changes to our Radio service and on-air line-up. Our mission is to share the message of hope found in God’s Word and this will continue.
We realise the spread of Coronavirus globally is a serious situation, many have lost loved ones and others will be feeling very anxious and afraid. As Christians, we believe in a God who is faithful in every situation we face. We know that He comforts the anxious, the broken-hearted and the afraid. As a team, we remain positive and faith-filled and we are praying for everyone who is affected. We would also value your prayers and support for us as an organisation.
Stay tuned in and keep an eye on our website for updates.
With thanks for your prayerful support
David L’Herroux
UCB’s Chief Executive