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Dating advice
There’s no test that can predict how a date will work out, but here are five questions we should ask ourselves whenever we go on a date with someone new:
1) What’s my first impression of this person? For example, what kind of things do they enjoy? Who are they friends with? Do they lie? Swear? Take drugs? Do they seem kind and considerate towards others? Being aware of this kind of information can save a lot of heartache later on. First impressions count, and until we really get to know someone, it’s all we have to go by.
2) How well do I know them? It’s best to get to know someone first before agreeing to date them, or even to be introduced by a mutual friend. (But if you do date a stranger, make sure you’re safe and have a way to get out if necessary.)
3) Are they gracious towards others? Do they constantly criticise friends, family, or other people they’ve dated? Would you feel comfortable trusting them with your heart?
4) Do we share the same values? The Bible says, ‘Can two people walk together without agreeing on the direction?’ Opposites may attract, but that’s not a good rule when it comes to values. What kind of standards do they have about things like money, morals, and faith? Does their lifestyle support the values they say they hold?
5) Can I trust them to keep their word? Have they been known to flirt or cheat in previous relationships, or did they remain loyal? A promise breaker will inevitably become a heartbreaker.
Above all, the best advice comes from the Bible: ‘Seek [God’s] will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take’ (Proverbs 3:6 NLT).
What Now?
Pray for wisdom in every relationship you have. Ask God to help you be sensitive to His guidance, and to use discernment when meeting someone new.
The UCB Word For You
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