A large metal sign with the words 'Jesus Saves' in red on it.


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Go back to the cross

29 July 2018
‘But we preach Christ crucified.’

We all go through times when we feel hopeless and worthless. Times when we feel unloved and rejected. It can be hard to know where to turn. But what we need to do at those times is simply go back to the cross, and remember what Jesus did for us. When He gave up His life so that we could be saved. Nobody could demonstrate greater love for us. Take the words ‘Christ was crucified’, and add the words ‘for me’. It helps us to realise the depth of what God did when He hung His sinless Son on that cross. If you were the only person in the world, Christ would have died for you. With His arms stretched wide, He was saying, ‘This is how much I love you.’ When we’re tempted to sin, when we’re guilt-ridden by sin, when Satan whispers, ‘There’s no hope for you’, when pride gets the better of us and makes but focus on our own glory rather than God’s, go back to the cross. There's a hymn called ‘When I survey the wondrous cross’, which is a great reminder of just how powerful the cross is and how humbling it is for us to remember Jesus’ sacrifice so that we could live. The last few lines are: ‘Were the whole realm of nature mine, that were an offering far too small; love so amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all.’ In other words, we can never repay Jesus for what He did for us. All we can do is to give Him our hearts and try to live a life that glorifies Him.

What Now?
Find the hymn ‘When I survey the wondrous cross’ online. Listen to it, and really focus on the words and the depth of God's love for us.

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