Three people talking together


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Share your faith

08 June 2019
‘Return home and tell how much God has done for you.’

When we think about sharing our faith, we can be worried that it’s all about answering theological questions and reciting parts of the Bible. That can be helpful in some situations, but often what works best is sharing our story. When we share what God’s done in our lives, people can begin to believe that He can do that in their life too. When Jesus healed a man possessed by demons, Jesus told him: ‘Return home and tell how much God has done for you.’ He spread the news across the whole town. God may not be calling us to share our faith with our town or city – but we can reach the people He is calling us to, by sharing the things He’s done for us and the way He’s transformed our lives. The Samaritan woman did the same thing. When Jesus had revealed to her that He was the Messiah, she ran back to her town and told everyone to come and meet Him (you can read her story in John 4). Both of these people were probably not popular in their society. We’re told that for many years the possessed man ‘had not worn clothes or lived in a house, but had lived in the tombs’ (Luke 8:27 NIV). The Samaritan woman had been divorced five times, and was now with another man. Perhaps gossip about her had spread around the town. But both seemed to forget their ‘position’ in society and were excited to spread the news about Jesus. Jesus came for all of us, even those we would normally avoid. And when He comes into our lives, He can completely change everything. How can we keep that to ourselves?


What Now?

Take some time to write out your story of how God has transformed your life. If you can, share that story with someone this weekend. (You could even share it with us if you like, at

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‘We are here for you.’ A statement from UCB’s CEO, David L’Herroux.