UCB’s founder, Ian Mackie, receives two promises from God:
1. The UK needed, and would have, a national Christian radio station.
2. A big move of God was coming to the UK.

UCB introduces a broadcasting service from Manx Radio studios on the Isle of Man.

UCB meets Bob Gass and a special ministry partnership begins.

After campaigning, the broadcasting law was changed, enabling UCB to be heard via a satellite TV channel.

The first edition of the UCB Word For Today, written by Bob and Debby Gass, is published and 3,500 copies are distributed for free.

UCB Prayerline is introduced.

Word For You – the young adults’ version of the UCB Word For Today – is launched.

UCB radio begins broadcasting on regional DAB in the London area and four other areas of the UK.

UCB begins a strategic alliance with OneHope, distributing Bible literature to children and youth across the UK.

The first promise is fulfilled. UCB UK (Now UCB 1) begins broadcasting nationally on DAB radio.

UCB begins a partnership with Freeview TV channel TBN UK.

UCB Player app is launched providing inspiring videos, podcasts and devotional content.

Thanks to God’s faithfulness through our supporters UCB celebrates 30 years of ministry.

A second radio station, UCB 2, expands onto national DAB radio.

The 25th anniversary of the UCB Word For Today, distributed to over 400,000 readers in print or on digital platforms.
Bob Gass is ‘promoted to glory’ but leaves a legacy of unpublished devotional content that would last for many years to come.

iSee – a prophetic vision for the future – is launched.
The 25th anniversary of the UCB Prayerline.